Baccarat Skills Strategies|Banker Player Play Gold99

Stepping stone principle
The concept of “stepping stones” is definitely not a new discovery in the gambling world. Many masters are good at using this principle. They use small guns to counter casino cannons. If you win, you will fight harder and harder. The original base is only 200 yuan. Starting from 300 yuan or even 400 yuan, the more you win, the higher you jump. At first, you’re just a little guy squatting on the sidelines, but by the end of the game, as the “stepping stones” pile up, you become a giant in front of the casino.
The concept of “stepping stones” has been around for a long time, but I seem to have coined the term first. I’d be happy to explain it in detail for those readers who don’t know this Gold99 method yet. See instructions below:
The chips for one round are (12), and the total betting for six rounds is 12×6=72. You take ( 72 ) to Las Vegas.
Suppose you are already (+95) and won a total of 95 bases, (95)>(72), do the math, you have won the “stepping stone”, plus the chips you prepared (72), from the first, the moment When a big game starts, the “minimum bet amount” you set can change from 100 yuan to 200 yuan.
Suppose you are already (+95) and won a total of 95 bases, (95)>(72), do the math, you have won the “stepping stone”, plus the chips you prepared (72), from the first, the moment When a big game starts, the “minimum bet amount” you set can change from 100 yuan to 200 yuan.
Already at (+181), “t Gold99wo stepping stones” is: 72 X 2 = 144, 181>111, so (+181) has already won “two stepping stones”, plus our own prepared chips, the beginning is Played” three times”. If you start with (1) $100 and (5) $500; from here (1) is $300 and (5) is $1500. After the concept of “cutting into the game” is established, players will have the opportunity to step into the palace of victory with the proficiency of “overweight” and the aggressive courage of “stepping stones”.
These 32 permutations and combinations are quite unfamiliar to many players, right? Everyone is accustomed to look at the opening result in the way of “banker” and “player”. Record process. I provide this recording method, I wonder if you can understand it? is Gold99it acceptable?
Here, I am happy to share with you a very important concept that has been neglected. Of course, I know very few people would accept this record? It is different from the recording method recognized by the general public, but I still want to propose it early in early 2002, hoping to provide you with another way of thinking, as long as you are willing to watch more, let it flash a lightning in your heart, maybe in the formulation of a hundred When it comes to house betting tips, there are completely different skills and styles.
The appearance of “zhuang” and “idle” will affect amazing emotional ups and downs every time, especially at the moment when the third card decides life and death, few people Gold99can calmly wait for the test. The special card supplement rules create a suspenseful and exciting atmosphere, which is also an important reason why “Baccarat” can gain a firm foothold in the casino.
Dealers are different, they are unimpressed. Everyone will attribute the reason to: “winning or losing is none of his business”! It’s none of your business, and there’s no pressure, so Zhuang Xian’s end, the dealer is unmoved? (You can also call them cold-blooded if you like!) Sub-explanations like this are a bit harsh and won’t take your understanding of baccarat to the next level!
The croupier only executes the results of “lose” and “win” every time, pay what should be paid, receive what should be received, and dra Gold99w what should be drawn. They don’t care whether it is the “banker” or the “player” this time, they only care about where they bet and win or lose. In the dealer’s thinking, there is only the difference between “lucky” and “idle”. In “Unlucky J”, there is no complicated gambler logic, only two contrasting encounters of “lose” and “win”! Can this simple behavior pattern of winning or losing make you understand the simple philosophy of baccarat that confuses everyone? sentient beings? If you are willing to change the angle, only “lose” and “win”, regardless of “banker” or “player”, look at the results of each card draw, although many noises may not be swept away immediately, it will definitely make you more gambling easy.

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